Human Side
Le Système de Management Human Side a été conçu pour aider les managers a faire face plus efficacement et objectivement aux opportunités et aux problèmes posés par les questions humaines.
Human Side Europe propose
"There's just no way you can enter the job with enough humility...
Jack was a great CEO, but he really controlled his world. It was a centralized kind of command and control company. Those days are over...
You're not in the control business today, you're in the risk-reward business."
"The most common hiring mistake is weighing too much on someone's talent and not on someone's personality .../... that is where I made hiring mistakes in the past. Looking too much at their intellectual capability alone and not how they affect those around them. What really matters for someone's contribution to a company is how they as individuals affect those around them"
"We should spend less time at universities filling our students' minds with content by lecturing at them, and more time igniting their creativity ... by actually talking with them." Daphne Koller
"the worst personnel decision since the idiots on the Apple board fired Steve Jobs many years ago." Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, about Mark Hurd's firing by the HP board. The Economist - Aug. 2010
"... Ce qui n'est pas surprenant, c'est que les employés tendent à rester, ce qui veut dire que chez SAS nous devons être attentifs à qui nous recrutons et fermes lorsque nous réagissons aux erreurs, comme le dit notre fondateur Jim Goodnight. La raison d'un bon traitement des employés n'est autre que de connaitre le succès. Nous avons un turn-over de 4% contre 20% en moyenne dans notre industrie. The Economist - Dec. 2007
"... Abraham Maslow démontrait dans Eupsychian Management que McGregor et moi-même pataugions dans l'erreur. Il prouva définitivement que les gens sont différents, et qu'il faut les manager de façon différente."
"La technologie et notre potentiel humain sont les deux grands défis et aventures auxquelles l'humanité fait face aujourd'hui."
John Naissbitt, 1982
"Un bon test devrait pouvoir repérer le comportement le plus proche du résultat attendu de telle personne dans tel environnement. On est bien loin du compte."
Steven Pinker, 2005
"...l'entreprise industrielle ... est elle-même une invention sociale d'une grande importance historique. Hélas, elle est déjâ obsolète."
Douglas McGregor, 1960
"First, I made mistakes about people. And sometimes when I say that, people think, oh, well that's not a big deal. That's a big deal. A leader's most important set of choices are about people. And I made some mistakes in judgment about people. In some cases, I'm very candid in the book. I put the wrong people in certain jobs and left them there too long. I underestimated certain people. I overestimated other people. I didn't get all my people choices wrong, but I got some wrong."
Carly Fiorina, 2006